Commission Information!

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Commission Status: Closed!

✦ I accept payment through ko-fi or in some cases with discord nitro!

✦ You can contact me on discord for commission inquires!
Discord: Ogalistic


✦ I will not draw nsfw and have the right to refuse drawing anything that makes me uncomfortable!✦ A Payment should be made before the entire piece is complete but i am fine with negotiating paying in parts!• I am not at a point where I am completely comfortable drawing human characters though I am working on this skill! But I can draw humanoids!✦ Feel free to message me about any questions you might have!

• Depending on the number of commissioners I have at one time I will attempt to keep updates on a weekly wip share!
• Don't be afraid to ask about progress!
• You can find a commissioner queue at the bottom of this page!

Goobers! 15usd each!

Flat fullbody 20-25usd

‣25usd for simple shading‣Extra characters are 15usd+

Fullbodies (50usd)

‣Extra characters are 30usd+

Detailed headshots 40usd+

Background Scene 150-200usd

‣ At the current moment I am not offering paintings of inside spaces only nature scenes! (only 150usd)‣Keep in mind that these paintings can take months!

✦Commissioner Queue

✦ MudKiz {1 Background (150)} Started
✦ lunarsol {one off piece (40)} Not started